Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Photoshoot With The Girls :)

I wanted to go do a photoshoot, so I got Camille, Mikayla and Sydney to come be models for me! We took these pictures down in Orting behind Mikayla's mom's house. It was interesting! I got to be in a few of them with the help of my tripod and Sydney :)

Best Friends

We model shot all day, everyday ;)

Sisterly love

Camille has the most adorable laughing smile ever!



Self Portrait

One word.... Precious ;)

Monday, July 25, 2011

4th of July Fun

Dillon, Ransom, Camille and I decided to have some fun with sparklers on the 4th of July. This is what came out of it.

Family Pictures

I took some family pictures with the help of Steve's girlfriend Kelsi. These were taken in Snowbird, Utah.

Family portrait in black and white

Steve and Kelsi

The kids

Doug and Mom

Decided to blog!

I decided that I might as well start a blog where people can view my photography! I will be posting recent pictures soon.